26 March 2018
The HE trade unions* and UCEA met today for the first of the three meetings scheduled for the 2018-19 pay negotiations. There was a useful initial exploration by both sides of their perspectives.
We look forward to the next scheduled New JNCHES** meeting on 13 April when we intend to make progress on the pay claim and its other elements.
* The HE trade unions are EIS, GMB, UCU, UNISON and Unite
** Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff. The New JNCHES negotiating timetable is a process that usually runs across meetings in March, April and May. This forum allows for three negotiating meetings (26 March, 13 April and 10 May) and more if required.
For further information: Please contact Andy Fryer, Head of Communications and Membership (a.fryer@ucea.ac.uk) or Marc Whittaker, Communications and Events Manager (m.whittaker@ucea.ac.uk). Call 020 7383 2444.