Facilitating good line manager conversations

One of the key recommendations from Mind’s research is to have good open and proactive line manager conversations around workload, priorities and wellbeing. The resources below are aimed at facilitating these good quality line manager discussions.


Mind have signposted a number of tools below that support line managers and staff to have good, open conversations.
Guides to Wellness Action Plans – guides for line managers, employees and working from home/remote working to facilitate discussion. The guides can be integrated into one-to-one meetings, appraisals etc and for staff less confident in conversations around wellbeing and mental health they essentially provide a script to follow.
Understanding what is expected of them and having a manageable workload are key factors influencing staff wellbeing and Mind recommend open and honest conversations should be an essential part of regular catch ups/one-to-one meetings and inclusion and use of a template reinforces this requirement. 

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust

The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust is a mental health charity which aims to help people understand and talk openly about mental health so that young people, and those who support them, are equipped to maintain and improve their mental health and wellbeing and to have the confidence to seek help when they need it.

Education Support Partnership 

The Education Support Partnership (ESP) is a charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all education staff and organisations.

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Page updated 4 April 2022
