Introduction to Workplace Investigator Skills

The Introduction to workplace investigator skills workshop on Tuesday 30 July, is a practical one-day online workshop for potential investigators who would like an insight into what conducting an investigation entails. It includes the legal and procedural framework, an opportunity to practice the skills in a role-play situation, and to discuss any concerns or queries. The workshop starts from the point where someone has been selected as an appropriate investigator by HR and any pre-investigation work has already been conducted. It concludes at the point where the appointed investigator hands over the written report to HR. The workshop will cover the basic principles and skills, and provides an opportunity to practice these. It is not a certificated training course, nor will it be suitable for participants who will be conducting more complex investigations, nor for investigations that require a trauma-based approach. It may however be helpful as a refresher for those who have conducted investigations in the past and would like a recap on the basic processes and skills, as well as those who are new investigators. By the end of the workshop participants will understand how the investigation fits into the disciplinary and grievance framework and:
  • Become familiar with Dignity at Work/ED&I grievance and disciplinary issues.
  • Understand what constitutes an effective and rigorous investigation.
  • Appreciate the core skills to conduct a robust, fair and impartial process.
  • Understand what establishes evidence; how to analyse and assess it.
  • Understand the basis of making good judgements in a fair, proportionate and impartial manner.
  • Appreciate what constitutes a good report.
  • Please note that this workshop covers the investigation process and the required skills rather than the setting-up of panels or the hearing itself. 
Course content and materials
The course is designed for online delivery. Activities will provide the opportunity to engage in small group work and plenary discussions and will include written or practical exercises, short videos and skills practice. The workshop will also offer an excellent opportunity to discuss issues with fellow participants.

Breaks will be timed to reflect the virtual environment and delegates will be able to move away from their screen at least every 60-75 minutes between activities or during activities.
  • Pre-reading is required; we recommend the participants familiarise themselves with their own organisations’ grievance, disciplinary, Dignity at Work/ED&I policies
  • A delegate pack will be sent to booked participants around 7 days prior to the course to supplement the learning. This will include topics such as interview structuring, questioning technique, effective report writing and tips on note taking.
  • Participants will need to spend 60 – 90 minutes on this pre-reading ahead of the course.
  • This course and the materials provided will be focused on the higher education sector. However, it does not cover sexual misconduct or sexual violence cases in detail.
Timings and programme 
The workshop takes place between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Tuesday 30 July. Participants will need to attend the whole day to benefit fully from the course.

For more information read the timed programme
 Introduction to workplace investigator skills workshop - programme

Attendance fee and how to book

We have set an early bird fee for this online workshop at £425.00 per place until Monday 1 July. The fee will then rise to the full price fee of £449.00 per place.
When booking a place, you now have the option of paying online by credit card (note our online booking system indicates the ticket as £425/£449 (VAT free)* until 12 March). You can of course be invoiced for the £425/£449 (VAT free) attendance fee (note our online booking system indicates the invoice ticket as £0, you will be invoiced for £425/£449 VAT free * until 12 March).

For the benefit of attendees, we are limiting attendance to a maximum of 12 attendees.

Book places via tickettailor

If you have any queries regarding your interest in attending, please contact