UCEA response to UCU's HEC following consultative ballot outcome

13 December 2024

UCEA response to UCU's HEC following consultative ballot outcome

Raj Jethwa, UCEA’s Chief Executive said:

“The decision of UCU’s Higher Education Committee (HEC) is deeply disappointing as it has the potential to undermine the important joint work* we have started with all five trade unions on equality pay gaps, workload and contract types, and the review of the pay spine. The commitment to joint work has taken several years of negotiation and planning. 

“It is clear that this planned outcome was encouraged by UCU’s HEC, having recommended to UCU members that they vote to reject the pay uplift. The HEC’s decision was based on a consultative ballot with turnout of only 27% of UCU’s members in HE, which represents around 8% of the total academic workforce**. While the result is hardly a surprise, it is not necessarily representative of the views of staff working in the sector, including UCU’s own membership.

“Employers can genuinely relate to frustrations about sector funding and finances, but industrial action over a pay uplift that will not and cannot change will not provide a solution.

“Given the overwhelming support among UCU members for joint work with employers, together with the ambivalent response to industrial action and the stretched financial position of the sector, we urge UCU’s HEC to reconsider its decision or consult with its branches before a ballot is launched. UCU must grasp the opportunity to work with UCEA and the other trade unions on our important joint priorities.”

“Employers have worked hard to prepare for the joint work with all five trade unions. We are ready and waiting, with dates and representatives in place.” 

*We wrote to Jo Grady on 6 December. See www.ucea.ac.uk/our-work/collective-pay-negotiations-landing/2024-25-new-jnches-pay-round/
**This means that around 4% of the academic workforce have voted in favour of being ballot for IA; around 2% of the HE workforce.  

For more on the UCU’s Consultative Ballot see - www.ucu.org.uk/HEconsultation2024
See also UCEA response to UCU HEC and progressing the non-pay items www.ucea.ac.uk/news-releases/4oct24/
In addition to UCU the other four trade unions are EIS, GMB, UNISON and Unite
The sector is grappling with reduced income because of a decline in overseas students, increased costs for employer contributions to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and in April we will see an increase of over £370 million in employer National Insurance Contributions.
27% of HE members of UCU voted see - www.ucu.org.uk/HEconsultation2024


For media enquiries, please contact - Andy Fryer, Head of Communications and Membership (a.fryer@ucea.ac.uk) or Marc Whittaker, Communications and Events Manager (m.whittaker@ucea.ac.uk).