UCEA's comment on UCU's ballot result

24 October 2022
In response to UCU's IA ballot outcome for IA, Raj Jethwa, UCEA’s Chief Executive said:

“It is disappointing that UCU’s HE members have voted in favour of industrial action, even though two-thirds of academics are not actually members of UCU or any union. While threatening industrial action will not create new money for the sector, UCEA and its member HE institutions want to work with UCU and other trade unions to support staff and students and to avoid disruptive industrial action. However, there needs to be a realistic assessment of what is possible.

“The 145 HE institutions at the 2022-23 New JNCHES bargaining table have done their best to support jobs and staff in very difficult circumstances. All institutions face significant cost increases, with most enduring falling income in real terms. UCEA’s consultations of HE institutions over the pay element of the final offer have consistently confirmed that there was no sector affordability to change the 5 May pay offer for the August uplift.

“HE institutions want to do more for their valuable staff, but any increase in pay puts jobs at risk. UCU’s own research confirms that, in many parts of the country, HE institutions are important local employers. Those communities simply cannot afford to lose jobs*. 

“Those HE institutions that, despite their own unprecedented financial challenges, have managed to provide non-consolidated payments have done so within the New JNCHES remit. However, the majority of the HE institutions cannot and have not awarded these as they are not financially able to do so, with many struggling to avoid redundancies just to honour the pay award itself.

“We are all concerned for those on lower incomes, who are disproportionately impacted by inflation and cost of living pressures. That is why the 2022-23 New JNCHES pay award** included an uplift of up to 9% for those on the lowest points of the pay spine, and why UCEA worked with employers to implement the uplift at the earliest opportunity following the conclusion of the New JNCHES processes.

“We hope UCU will carefully consider how to react to this ballot outcome. If UCU is genuinely interested in discussing the challenges facing the sector, UCEA is willing to work with them, but attempts to try and take more industrial action may simply hurt some students and staff for no realistic outcome.”

* www.ucu.org.uk/article/10922/New-study-demonstrates-huge-local-economic-impact-of-universities 
** www.ucea.ac.uk/our-work/collective-pay-negotiations-landing/2022-23-new-jnches-pay-round/   

For further information: Please contact Andy Fryer, Head of Communications and Membership (a.fryer@ucea.ac.uk) or Marc Whittaker, Communications and Events Manager (m.whittaker@ucea.ac.uk)