UCEA’s final pay offer recognises inflationary pressures on the lower paid

9 May 2022 

UCEA’s final pay offer recognises inflationary pressures on the lower paid 

UCEA and the HE trade unions met last week (5 May 2022) as New JNCHES for the third and final meeting of the HE pay negotiating round for 2022-23*. 

UCEA, representing 145 participating HE employers, made a final pay offer** which includes an uplift of up to 9% for those on the lowest points of the pay spine, with a minimum uplift of 3% for all those on or above Spinal Column Point 20. This offer, worth 3.18% on the total paybill, is the highest uplift for the lowest points ever offered in New JNCHES negotiations, recognising the current inflationary pressures. 

UCEA expanded the employers’ previous offers still further at this final meeting, reaching the limits of affordability across the sector and acknowledging that this pay uplift will stretch finances for some HE institutions. While recognising the trade unions’ concerns, the offer prioritises the disproportionate effect of high inflation falling on the lower paid.

The employers reemphasised how HE institutions face unprecedented financial challenges. The many known financial challenges include the fee cap freeze, National Insurance increases, increases in employers’ pension contributions and the ongoing hikes in operating costs. Despite this, UCEA’s offer is further evidence that member HE institutions are committed to rewarding and developing staff.

While trade unions confirmed that the matter of pay was central to the negotiations, there was progressive discussion at this final meeting on feasibility in addressing the many other important elements of their claim. The full and final offer contains** details of this, encouraging joint working with trade unions and commitments to key issues, including the desire from all to reduce the gender, ethnicity, disability and intersectional pay gaps.

UCEA is committed to the final offer for 2022-23 despite UCU’s attempt to invoke isolated marking and assessment boycotts following low levels of disaggregated ballot outcomes over the 2021-22 pay round.

Professor Mark E. Smith, Chair of UCEA, said: 
“Across the three meetings we have listened very carefully and discussed in detail the many elements of the trade unions’ claim. Following detailed consultations and considered negotiations we have made a final offer that we recognise will be financially challenging for many of our HE institutions. Clearly the difficult inflationary costs are a joint concern for employees and employers alike, but recognising how inflation disproportionately affects lower paid staff, UCEA’s final offer provides significantly higher uplifts for these pay spine points. 

“Employers have looked beyond recent disputes relating to a closed previous round to commit to arriving at the best possible outcome during these testing times. We urge the trade unions to now consult their individual members in carefully considering this detailed final offer. This consultation will allow a possible pay uplift for the start of the 2022-23 academic year while joint working groups can prioritise at the earliest point their work to tackle the other significant components in the offer.”

* The negotiating meetings for the 2022-23 were: 30 March, 25 April and 5 May 2022  
** The full final offer, trade union claim and the employers’ statement are available at: www.ucea.ac.uk/our-work/collective-pay-negotiations-landing/2022-23-new-jnches-pay-round/ 
The trade unions’ headline pay claim is for ‘a pay uplift that is, at least, inflation (RPI) plus 2%, on all pay points’. RPI for March 2022 was 9%

JNCHES - Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff. 
The five HE trade unions are EIS, GMB, UCU, UNISON and Unite.

For further information: Please contact Andy Fryer, Head of Communications and Membership (a.fryer@ucea.ac.uk) or Marc Whittaker, Communications and Events Manager (m.whittaker@ucea.ac.uk)