UCEA Members

UCEA membership is available to higher education providers throughout the UK. 
Membership is at organisational level and enables the key nominated individuals in each organisation to participate and have access to UCEA materials. We also offer associate membership to organisations that work within the sector other than as HE providers. We charge an annual subscription, which represents UCEA’s core source of income.
The key nominated individuals are typically the Vice-Chancellor/head of organisation, the HR Director or equivalent, and other senior colleagues with an interest in workforce matters. We encourage member organisations to nominate as many relevant senior team members and specialist role-holders as they wish to have access to UCEA resources and activities.  

This is the alphabetical list of our current 170 member organisations.

UCEA's Membership criteria are reviewed annually. This includes reviewing the membership criteria of the four company Members (CUC, GuildHE, Universities Scotland and Universities UK) so that any changes and any resulting implications for UCEA membership criteria can be considered. 
UCEA asks that members review the Conditions of Membership when they are invited to subscribe or re-subscribe annually from 1 August.
If you are interested in your organisation becoming a UCEA member please contact Andy Fryer a.fryer@ucea.ac.uk, Head of Communications & Membership, for further information. 